A Waste Of Time

If you knew how the lights fade before my eyes,

smudging colors and shapes until they sink,

if you’d had shown me respect,

even as little as the beads of sweat running down my cheeks,

Could I love without handfuls of regrets?


I would sell you in a spark

and drop you dead on someone’s door,

too bad you weren’t dead to me of all those precedent times,


You wore me brand new.

Now a hand-me-down,

 ratted t-shirt hidden under your bed.


If I gave you a chance to rebuild my walls,

and fight for the chance to save blood,

to fight considering lingering strings of purity,

Please, deny the chance.

Stay undisclosed, lifeless, and cold.


Knowing what you’re capable of,

knowing the pain inflicted by your addition,

if I had known what you do,

 I’d elope to another.


To you: I’m an effortless jest.

To me: I’m in awe of your horror.


­How to be Asian American

